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Deprecation Guide for Arguments in Component Lifecycle Hooks

until: 2.13.0
since: 2.12
id: arguments-in-component-lifecycle-hooks

Previously, it was possible for component lifecycle hooks didInitAttrs, didReceiveAttrs, and didUpdateAttrs to receive arguments. However, this functionality was part of private API. Using the arguments is harmful to component performance, so they will trigger a deprecation. Alternative approaches for all three hooks are below:

didInitAttrs arguments

Since this lifecycle hook is already deprecated, we suggest taking this chance to address two deprecations at the same time.

Imagine you have a component that stores a timestamp when it is initialized.


  didInitAttrs({ attrs }) {
    this.set('initialTimestamp', attrs.timestamp);


  init() {

    this.set('initialTimestamp', this.get('timestamp'));

didReceiveAttrs and didUpdateAttrs arguments

This example for didReceiveAttrs below also applies to didUpdateAttrs, a similar hook that only runs on re-renders. Let's say you want to animate a thermometer widget showing the change between today's high and low temperatures.


  didReceiveAttrs({ oldAttrs, newAttrs }) {
    if (oldAttrs.temp !== newAttrs.temp) {
      this.thermometer.move({ from: oldAttrs.temp, to: newAttrs.temp });


  didReceiveAttrs() {
    let oldTemp = this.get('_oldTemp');
    let newTemp = this.get('temp');

    if (oldTemp && oldTemp !== newTemp) {
      this.thermometer.move({ from: oldTemp, to: newTemp });
    this.set('_oldTemp', newTemp);

Additionally, ember-diff-attrs is an addon that spun out of the discussions on the RFC. It provides a dry way to track attribute changes for this lifecycle hook.