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Deprecation Guide for Date Prototype Extension

until: 3.0.0
since: 2.7
id: date-prototype-extension

In previous versions of Ember Data, the native Date.parse function was replaced with Ember.Date.parse, a progressive enhancement for ISO 8601 support in browsers that do not support it (Safari 5-, IE 8-, Firefox 3.6-). Since these browser versions are no longer supported by Ember or Ember data, this behavior has been deprecated.

To clear this deprecation, you should disable Ember Data's Date prototype extension.

With Ember >= v2.7.0, disable the prototype extension for Date:

ENV = {
  EmberENV: {
      Date: false

With Ember < v2.7.0, values must be provided for all prototype extensions:

var ENV = {
  EmberENV: {
      Array: true,
      Date: false,
      Function: true,
      String: true

If you're not sure which prototype extensions your app already has enabled, you can check EmberENV.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES in your browser's JavaScript console while your app is running.

See Disabling Prototype Extensions for more information about how Ember uses prototype extensions.