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Deprecation Guide for najax requests

until: 4.0.0
since: 3.22.0
id: ember-data:najax-fallback

Deprecates najax requests in ember-data

Previously if users had najax installed, ember-data would try and make a request in FastBoot with najax. This was a dependency of FastBoot; however, was removed in v3.0.0.

Following FastBoot's lead, najax is now deprecated.

If you do not have jQuery enabled, this deprecation does not apply to you. However, still ensure steps 1-2 are true for your app.

If you do have jQuery enabled, there are a few steps you may need to take.

  1. Ensure you have installed ember-fetch. This may be already installed.
  2. You may have najax passed through the buildSandboxGlobals API in FastBoot. This should be removed.

Lastly, at this point you have a few options to consider.

3. a. Set useFetch = true on your adapter. This is the likely path you should take.

export default ApplicationAdapter extends JSONAPIAdapter {
export default ApplicationAdapter extends JSONAPIAdapter {
  useFetch = true;

b. You can also opt-in and and configure your ember-data compatibility version to 3.22 or higher. See documentation here.

let app = new EmberApp(defaults, {
    emberData: {
      compatWith: '3.22',