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Deprecation Guide for HasManyReference.push(array)

until: 4.0.0
since: Upcoming Features
id: hasmanyreference-push-array

feature: ds-overhaul-references

Deprecations Added in Pending Features

Passing an array to a HasManyReference#push has been deprecated. You should refactor your code to instead pass a JSON API Relationship Object.

For example, if you previously had something like:

let commentsData = [
  { data: { type: 'comment', id: 1 } },
  { data: { type: 'comment', id: 2 } }

let post = this.store.peekRecord('post', 123);


You could remove this deprecation by refactoring your code to:

let commentsData = {
  data: [
    { type: 'comment', id: 1 },
    { type: 'comment', id: 2 }

let post = this.store.peekRecord('post', 123);
