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Deprecation Guide for Migrate from Brocfile.js to ember-cli-build.js

until: 3.0.0
since: 2.0.0
id: migrate-from-brocfile-js-to-ember-cli-build-js

Early versions of Ember CLI utilized the default build file of Broccoli: Brocfile.js. Over time we began realizing that this was not a tenable solution (we could not pass high fidelity objects into the build pipeline, and therefore created two instances of all addons, etc), and introduced a replacement for Brocfile.js: ember-cli-build.js. The new structure allows Ember CLI to pass information into the function exported by ember-cli-build.js and avoid the issues mentioned above.

The migration from Brocfile.js to ember-cli-build.js is fairly straight forward:

Migrate Brocfile.js from:

// Brocfile.js
var EmberApp = require('ember-cli/lib/broccoli/ember-app');
var app = new EmberApp();
module.exports = app.toTree();

To ember-cli-build.js:

var EmberApp = require('ember-cli/lib/broccoli/ember-app');

module.exports = function(defaults) {
  var app = new EmberApp(defaults, {
      // Any options

  return app.toTree();