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Deprecation Guide for Deprecate Route#disconnectOutlet

until: 4.0.0
since: 3.27
id: route-disconnect-outlet

Route#disconnectOutlet is intended to be used in conjunction with Route#render. As render is deprecated and disconnectOutlet is primarily used to teardown named outlets setup by render, it is also deprecated. See RFC #491.

The migration path is the same as the one defined for Route#render where components should be used instead of named outlets. A developer should wrap the component in a conditional if they want to control its destruction.


class CheckoutRoute extends Route {
  // ...

  showModal() {
    this.render('modal', {
      outlet: 'modal',
      into: 'application'

  hideModal() {
{{! app/templates/checkout.hbs}}
<button {{on "click" this.showModal}}>Show Modal</button>
<button {{on "click" this.closeModal}}>Close Modal</button>
{{! app/templates/application.hbs}}
{{outlet "modal"}}


This can transitioned to:

class CheckoutController extends Controller {
  // ...
  @tracked isModalOpen = false;

  init() {
    this.modalElement = document.getElementById('modal');

  showModal() {
    this.isModalOpen = true;

  closeModal() {
    this.isModalOpen = false;
{{! app/templates/checkout.hbs}}
<button {{on "click" this.showModal}}>Show Modal</button>
<button {{on "click" this.closeModal}}>Close Modal</button>

{{#if this.isModalOpen}}
  {{#in-element this.modalElement}}
    <Modal />
{{! app/templates/application.hbs}}
<div id="modal"></div>


The above example will conditionally append the modal component into div#modal whenever the user toggles the modal.