« All deprecation guides

Deprecation Guide for Class-based template compilation plugins

until: 4.0.0
since: 3.27
id: template-compiler.registerPlugin

Using class-based template compilation plugins is deprecated. Please update to the functional style.

If you see this deprecation when building an app, most likely it's coming from one of the addons you have installed. You can use the class name of the plugin included in the deprecation message to figure out which addon is triggering this deprecation, like MyTemplateCompilationPlugin in the example below.


'use strict';

module.exports = class MyTemplateCompilationPlugin {
  transform(ast) {
    let visitor = {
      BlockStatement(node) {
        // ...

      ElementNode(node) {
        // ...

      MustacheStatement(node) {
        // ...

    this.syntax.traverse(ast, visitor);

    return ast;


'use strict';

module.exports = function myTemplateCompilationPlugin() {
  return {
    visitor: {
      BlockStatement(node) {
        // ...

      ElementNode(node) {
        // ...

      MustacheStatement(node) {
        // ...